For the early part of our day Avery and I just hung out, she was being especially smiley and happy it was great. I also dressed her in ALL pink! Something I never do!
Later that afternoon we ran errands. I had to send out a few orders of bows and cupcake pin cushions to some fellow instagramers. Avery helped me by chewing on one of the packages when I wasn't looking. Such a sneaky sneaky adorable little girl.
We also went to target to get a few last minute gifts for Brian and we ended up getting a few things for baby too (of course). I can't decide which to keep so she may just end up getting spoiled!
After we met daddy at home when he got off work and exchanged gifts! I gave him three vintage bow ties, a new strap for his watch, and a guitar pick punch. I think the biggest hit was the gift I gave Avery she LOVED the vintage roly poly chime bear I gave her! Its so amazing watching her grow and learn to enjoy things more.
After we went out to eat dinner at our favorite thai food restaurant. It was so delicious! Avery sat nicely in the highchair the whole time, we just kept her busy with toys and books. We were pretty proud she let us eat our meal peacefully.
Brian looked sharp in his new bowtie ;)
After dinner we went to barnes and noble shopped around browsed some book and the awesome toys they have there (who knew!). After a long day we went home and Avery passed out on me in 45 seconds no joke! It's a new record in our household! It was the cutest thing and the perfect way to end a day.
I also apologize for being MIA I've been very busy with some new projects I hope to put on etsy soon! No excuse though I know because I really do enjoy doing this and sometimes it seems to be the only way I can get some alone time!
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