Earlier this week we helped with a party for a little friend named Piper who turned one!!! I was pretty impressed with how well it came along considering the short amount of time it was put together! I (sort of) helped with the decorations but I mostly ended up keeping the babies busy (I couldn't have been happier than I was covered in two babies ... does that sound weird?) Of course I had to bring my camera along so here are some photos from this lovely little gathering
I made this little fox pillow for Piper for her birthday. I'll be making Avery one too seeing as she kept looking at it!
watching the little ones interact and build friendships, doing their own things seriously makes my heart melt!
poor Piper! Every single strand was standing on end!
you know it was a good party when towards the end all babies took turns laying down on the ground going "night night"
Thank you Mary, Zack and Piper for a lovely evening, the party turned out beautifully glad we lucky enough to be apart of it!
I have to admit I've already been thinking about Avery's second birthday for at least a month now. After attending this party in comparison to Avery's first birthday I'm definitely thinking small is the way to go! Much less hectic, crazy and stressful more intimate, relaxed and fun! I'm excited for Avery's upcoming birthday party but how about we just throw a party without the part where my baby turns TWO YEARS OLD!!
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