So first off I'm going to say I'm actually quite excited about Christmas this year! It's Avery's first and I know she won't be able to remember it or really even be able to fully understand what's going on but the fact that now is the time that I can start all the fun family traditions is so exciting! Not to mention the fact that it gives me a reason to splurge and buy lots of baby goodies. What are some of the things I'm getting Avery this Christmas? Well I'll tell you!
1. Classic Bla Bla dolls! Avery will be getting these adorable guys from Santa this year! (Yes I may have had this planned for months now no big deal) It took me forever to choose which ones I wanted to get I knew I wanted suzette the fox but was unsure who should be her partner in crime in fact I'm still not sure. I have decided though that it will eiether be socks the fox (he wears a tie how cute is that?!!) or beauregard the wolf (he has a striped belly and a scarf I mean come on! Too cute!!) I know I'm running out of time but Avery and Suzette may just have to wait for easter or another holiday to buy me some time on who their new friend should be! Check out the websight to see al the wonderful goodies they offer!
2. Haba Clutching/teething toy! Seriously look at those colors! So I'm kind of really picky when it comes to quality and design, I'm really hoping that by getting fewer nice quality toys for Avery that we won't end up with a house filled with cheap plastic toys everywhere but who knows it may be inevitable. Haba makes such awesome toys I want them all for Avery (the quaility the materials, They include mushrooms and cute faces and awesome colors and shapes!) but really how many cluthcing/teething toys does one baby need. I like this one for a few reasons, first i think it'll be perfect for her to chew on since she is teething and everything goes in her mouth lately second its one I wont mind seeing laying around on the floor when she's playing third I think it'll last for quite awhile and it is made with totally safe materials for my baby, dont have to worry about bpa or lead or all those other bad things! :) If you have time google Haba toys they will be my go to gift for any todler/infant birthday parties I will be attending in the future!
That's pretty much it for Avery's gifts this year! I figured she'll probably get tons from others and I really only got her the things I really want her to have and really think she can use and enjoy. I do have a couple outfits though that I purchased on black Friday, I'm usually not a black friday shopper but I work at the mall and went a little bit early just to see if I could find any cute outfits for a good deal that was the extent of my black Friday shopping. I also got her a Green Sprouts Fruit cool soothing teether (BPA, PVC, and nitrosamine free) for her stocking and may or may not get her another small Haba toy or something small for her stocking. I may have put way too much thought into this I know I may have explanied it a little bit more than I needed too but it's nice to be able to get all my thoughts out there since daddy really isn't all that interested. Ahh I feel much better now, I think I really enjoy this blogging thing! Goodnight!
Ah! I just LOVE the fox dolls!!