Well 2011 it was nice getting to know you, you sure did show me some great times (and some not so good times of course)
I'm looking forward to getting to know you 2012 but 2011 is going to be tough to beat, it sure was good to me!
Here are a few things I loved about 2011:
Avery's arrival!!
Moving into my apartment
Moving out of my apartment
Memorable times with friends
Forts made out of sheets
Late night Hot tub adventures while waiting for laundry
Complete Freedom
Baby Shopping
Seattle trip
California Thrifting
Awesome coffee
Late night walks
Late night talks
Flagstaff Trips
Growing up
And a few things I said goodbye to in 2011:
My Volkswagen Golf, you will forever be missed
The NICU!!
My apartment
Shoes that tied and pants (although both came back after baby)
Being unhealthy
Job that paid really well
Late night partying
My camera charger!! I miss you! Come back!! (Feels silly having a camera you can't you all because you lost your charger)
And some things I'm looking forward to:
Avery growing and hitting milestones (talking, walking, eating food eek!!)
Moving into a house
Buying a new car
Moving to seattle? (it will happen either this year or next!!)
Avery's first birthday party!! (I may or may not already have the party all planned out in my head)
Growing out my hair
Gaining a little bit of weight (shun me I know but believe it or not it's so hard for me)
Growing as a family
Decorating new house
Changing up my fashion style
A road trip to the beach (I hope)
I'm ready for you 2012!!! Bring me all you've got!
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